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Marketing Case Study

Creative case study for marketing strategies - (N/B: This is a made-up brand

Background on the company/brand.

Ruja Waters is a firm that makes naturally flavored

water with a blend of fruits and herbs. They've been around for around three years and are aiming to grow their business by using new marketing methods. Their main aim is to use social media to promote to both existing and new audiences.

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water bottle.png

Consultation with the client:

Look at Ruja Waters' current marketing plans and social media networks (if they have one). Find out more about the history of the company. their short and long-term objectives, how they want to be perceived in society, and what constitutes project success? Etc.


Market/audience research

Next, we look at who the marketing audience is, including demographics, types of individuals, age groupings, and so on. This would enable us to simplify what type of material should be developed to fit the audience, as well as which social media platforms Ruja Waters should be active on and how each social media page should be approached differently.

Case look - Ruja Waters' target audience would be between the ages of 25 and 45, as it is a naturally flavored water brand. Folks with underlying health conditions such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes are the people we intend to sell to. People who are health-conscious and fitness-oriented are also included. Individuals that are also environmentally


Create compelling content

Once you've recognized the brand and what they're about, you'll need to determine what type of material you'll post on social media. Then you try to curate material based on it. Following that, you must have a type of them or aesthetics that you intend to use, particularly on Instagram. Know the logo size and color, as well as the brand colors and letter fonts. This is significant since it allows you to be organized and at ease when writing material.


Case Look: There are several methods to make your postings more interesting. The following are some improvements that may be done to make the ruja waters post more engaging:


Story Telling Content

The act of storytelling would be used to produce material in this case. These might be tales about the brand's history, consumer anecdotes on the benefits of drinking ruja waters, or employee stories about the brand. Etc.

Quality Video content: While viewers enjoy visual material in general, combining audio and images may take it to the next level, especially in short video formats. Here, Ruja Waters may create videos that illustrate the company's day-to-day operations, videos that educate the audience about the benefits of drinking flavored waters, and videos that demonstrate the product's superiority over competitors.


Utilize user-generated content

You may use user-generated content to get material from your customers when they use your content.


Case Look: Ruja Waters may urge its customers to share pictures of them using their product on social media, and you can ask them to add your brand name hashtags so they can be featured on your social media page.


Use and generate material based on trends

Make use of and develop content based on trends, particularly those in the industry in which the brand operates. This would also assist you in gaining a following and attracting attention through such trends.


Case Look: Ruja Waters would do research on amusing and educational trends and incorporate them into the material it is creating. For example, if a trend emerges that emphasizes the importance of using natural goods in people's daily lives, Ruja waters might emphasize how natural their products are.

Blue Package

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I'm available to work and discuss about marketing and other topics.

Please contact me if you have any additional feedback.

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